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Blue Lotus Extract: The Complete Guide

With thousands of years of history, the blue lotus flower is well-established as a traditional medicine powerhouse. A versatile plant with many uses, the blue lotus flower enjoys huge popularity today for both medicinal and recreational purposes.

The blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea) is predominantly used as a sleep aid, for anxiety relief, and as an aphrodisiac. Blue lotus extract can be infused in tea and wine, smoked, vaporized, applied topically, and more. The psychoactive plant is also known as blue water lily, sacred blue lily, and blue Egyptian lotus.

If you’re new to blue lotus extract, you’re in the right place. In this post, I’ll guide you through the plant’s legality, its benefits, and how to use it.  

Introducing the Blue Lotus Flower

The blue lotus flower grows predominantly in Egypt but also in a handful of Asian nations. The ancient Egyptians deemed this beautiful plant important enough to feature it in tomb art and papyrus scrolls. Egyptologists believe the blue lotus flower was used to remedy insomnia, anxiety, and several other conditions.

Given its psychoactive properties, the plant might also have played a role in religious ceremonies. The flower contains apomorphine, a compound that binds with dopamine receptors to induce happiness and euphoria. Apomorphine is effective at treating erectile dysfunction and Parkinson’s disease.

Blue lotus extract is also rich in nuciferine, an alkaloid with antipsychotic properties. Nuciferine promotes calmness and may alleviate erectile dysfunction. But researchers have a poor understanding of how nuciferine interacts with the body.

In a nutshell, blue lotus extract will make you high and relaxed, giving you a sense of euphoria. But it shouldn’t make you sleepy in moderate dosages. Blue lotus extract is not as intoxicating as psychedelics, with its effects often likened to marijuana.

That said, not everyone reacts the same to the blue lotus flower. The plant consists of different compounds to marijuana and offers a unique experience, whether you’re taking it for therapeutic or recreational reasons.

What is Blue Lotus Extract?

Blue lotus extract comes in tincture oil form. Each brand employs slightly different manufacturing processes, but products are broadly similar. Legit brands provide the strength of the extract on the label and should make lab test results available so that you can confirm quality and safety.

A “full-spectrum alkaloid” product should contain high quantities of apomorphine and nuciferine. Typically, these compounds are extracted from the plant material and diluted in a carrier oil. Flavorings and other therapeutic extracts may also be included, although this is rare.

Is Blue Lotus Extract Legal?  

Blue lotus extract is not a controlled substance in the United States and can therefore be legally grown, bought, and sold. But the plant has not been approved for human consumption.

Louisiana is the only exception. In 2005, the southern state passed a bill prohibiting the cultivation, trading, and possession of blue lotus flowers if intended for human consumption. As of 2021, no other states have introduced legislation imposing restrictions on blue lotus extract.

7 Reasons to Use Blue Lotus

Unfortunately, there is limited scientific research on blue lotus extract’s potential benefits. However, with its long-standing traditional medicine background, we have a good idea of what it works for. Here are seven reasons to use blue lotus extract.

Improves sleep quality

If you struggle to get to sleep in the evenings or find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, blue lotus extract could solve your problems. The plant’s calming characteristics may help you unwind after a tiring day, relaxing your muscles and putting your mind at rest.

These soothing effects likely come from the aporphine and nuciferine present in blue lotus extract. To get the maximum benefit, I recommend taking a dose around an hour before bed, once all of your important tasks for the day are complete. This way, you can become fully immersed in the plant’s effects and drift off into sleep stress-free.

Combats erectile dysfunction

Blue lotus extract is an excellent natural aphrodisiac. If you dread getting it on in the bedroom due to erectile dysfunction or sexual performance anxiety, the blue lotus flower will help get you in the mood.

Sex should be fun, not something you view with trepidation. Taking blue lotus extract before getting it on will ensure you rise to the occasion and that your mind stays in the moment and doesn’t get caught up in stress and worry. Staying present and relaxed makes for better sex and increased intimacy with your partner.

Increases collagen production

Blue lotus extract stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that gives your skin its elasticity and vibrant and glowing appearance. Collagen helps your skin look younger for longer, increases muscle, and even trims down cellulite.

I recommend applying blue lotus extract topically to receive these benefits. Direct application to the worst-affected areas of the skin allows the compounds to get straight to work. Your skin will be looking fresh and rejuvenated within no time!

Euphoric effects

You can enjoy pleasant psychoactive effects and euphoria from blue lotus extract without ever feeling overwhelmed. Renowned for its mildness, the plant promotes a better mood and a carefree attitude but doesn’t produce the mind-warping effects of more potent psychedelics.

With the blue lotus flower, you can experience feeling “high” and not have to worry about suffering nasty side effects. The euphoric sensations are perfect for spicing up a dull day or for relaxing in the evenings.

Smoking or vaporizing the extract delivers a more intense but short-lasting high, whereas consuming it in infused beverages produces a less powerful but extended “high.”

Manages gastrointestinal issues

Blue lotus extract is a popular traditional remedy for gastrointestinal (GI) problems, such as abdominal pains, diarrhea, and dyspepsia. If left untreated, GI problems can destroy your quality of life – having to make sudden and unexpected trips to the bathroom is no joke.

But the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory qualities of the blue lotus flower could make all the difference. Furthermore, the plant gives you these benefits without many of the downsides associated with prescription medication.

Relieves menstrual cramps

Unable to find a solution to menstrual cramps? Are you fed up with prescription painkillers that have awful side effects and cause addiction? Blue lotus extract boasts pain-relieving properties and is an intriguing treatment option.

The plant has been used to manage menstrual cramps for millennia. Not only does the blue lotus flower work to reduce the pain, but it can also help bring order and stability to the menstrual cycle. The stress-busting effects are a nice bonus, too!  

Reduces anxiety

You can combat anxiety with blue lotus extract. The mildly mind-altering plant will keep your head in the present and away from overthinking and dwelling over worst-case scenarios. The mood-boosting and euphoric properties of the blue lotus flower also helps stave off anxiety.

For generalized anxiety, staying topped up with blue lotus extract throughout the day is the best way to deal with symptoms. You’ll need a more targeted approach for social anxiety, dosing up before social get-togethers, or other triggering situations.

The anxiolytic benefits of blue lotus extract are attributed to the apomorphine alkaloid. Ideally, while the plant promotes anxiety relief and aids relaxation, moderate amounts won’t leave you feeling sleepy.

How to Take Blue Lotus Extract

The versatility of blue lotus extract goes a long way to explaining its popularity. With several possible intake methods, you can optimize your blue lotus experience. Perhaps you want more intensity; maybe you desire long-lasting relief. Or you might just want a safe and convenient way to take it.

Whatever your requirements, I’m sure one of these methods will appeal to you.

Sublingually (under the tongue)

The most common way to take blue lotus extract is under the tongue – a method known as sublingual absorption. Taking blue lotus sublingually accelerates the onset of effects, with the therapeutic compounds in the extract given direct passage into the bloodstream.

Blue lotus taken sublingually avoids the time-consuming trip through the stomach and starts having an effect within a matter of minutes.

This has significant implications for some conditions. Consider that you’re taking blue lotus extract for social anxiety. The fast-acting effects of sublingual absorption make for more meaningful relief than intake methods that take up to an hour to work.

Indeed, the only faster way to consume blue lotus is by smoking or vaporizing the dry flowers. But the health consequences of these methods outweigh any benefits. In contrast, blue lotus tinctures are safer, more discreet, and hassle-free.  


The ancient Egyptians would take blue lotus extract in tea, and this form of consumption still endures in the 21st century! In tea form, the mind-altering effects of the flower kick in gradually and last for several hours.

The extended effects are perfect for improving sleep quality. If taking blue lotus extract for sleep, you need the benefits to last throughout the night. Infused teas remain active for much longer than smoked or vaporized blue lotus. 

Brewing blue lotus tea is simple! Just brew a pot of tea as normal and add a few drops of blue lotus extract.

I like to drink blue lotus tea about an hour before I plan on going to bed. This gives the compounds plenty of time to get to work and gives me chance to wind down. Once I feel the effects starting to hit, that’s my cue to hit the sack. 


You can also apply blue lotus extract to the skin. This method offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties while helping to stimulate collagen production. Blue lotus extract rubbed into the skin is not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it will not make you “high.”

Admittedly, rubbing expensive and highly concentrated blue lotus extract into the skin isn’t very cost-effective. I suggest adding a few drops of extract to another cream or lotion – that way, you can be more liberal when applying it.

Possible Side Effects

Like most natural remedies, blue lotus extract may cause side effects. However, before we delve deeper, I want to stress that blue lotus side effects are rare and tend to occur due to abuse. If you use it responsibly and don’t go overboard with the dosage, you should be fine.

Increased heart rate and hot flashes are the most commonly reported blue lotus side effects. You may also experience dizziness and nausea if taking the extract in combination with painkillers.

Some people experience allergic reactions to blue lotus. Be careful with topical application if you have sensitive skin.