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Growing in popularity, the White Ketapang strain is typically ground up for tea or ingested directly as a capsule. It hails from the jungle island of Borneo, famously known for various world-leading kratoms.
The active ingredients in this variety of kratom are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are both narcotic opioids. Mitragynine is the chemical that leads to the euphoric feeling people experience when they take the drug. That said, the White Ketapang strain has a high concentration of mitragynine and a higher alkaloid count than others. Thus, it is a more potent kratom than your standard white vein strains.
Key Features:
- Product Type: Capsules
- Contains 0.7 grams per capsule
- Strain Color: White
- Comes in standard sizes so no need for measurements.
- Each bottle of White Ketapang Kratom Capsules by Kratom Krush has numerous capsules inside. It has 60 counts for a 36g bottle, 180 counts for a 108 g bottle, and 360 counts for a 216 g one.
- User-friendly, especially for beginners.
- It has no bitterness in its aftertaste.
- Small, smooth, and easy to intake.
- Organically grown and all-natural
- No added chemicals, fillers, or artificial flavors
- 100% premium-grade kratom
- Guaranteed high levels of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine
How to Consume White Ketapang Kratom Capsules
The White Ketapang Kratom Capsules by Kratom Krush are the simplest way of consuming kratom. But before you go ahead and ingest the capsules, it’s important to read the instructions first and measure the appropriate amount for your consumption.
After deciding on the correct serving size, you may directly swallow the capsule as is and wash them down with plenty of water. However, if you’re looking for other ways to take the capsule, here are some methods you can try:
- Use the pop bottle method (but this might not be as effective with a capsule compared to a pill)
- Use a pill cup for swallowing
- Use a straw to help you consume the capsule
If, after 30-60 minutes of ingestion, you still don’t feel any effects, take one more capsule at a time to increase the dosage.
Recommended Dosages for White Ketapang Kratom Capsules
If it’s your first time, the best option is, to begin with, smaller quantities and work your way up. Kindly refer to the bottle for the recommended serving amount. It is common for newbies to take 2 capsules for the kratom to take into effect. But, it may vary depending on your body’s processes. However, take note that kratom taken in capsule form will take more time to take into effect since your body will have to break down the gelatin wall of the capsule.
You don’t need a measuring device for capsules since it is already measured for you. The White Ketapang Kratom Capsules by Kratom Krush contain 0.7 grams per capsule.
Beginners are recommended to take only 2-3 grams of kratom. However, when taking capsules, it’s best to start with 2-3 capsules and then go from there. Since everyone’s body is different, your experience might vary from average. Your body weight will also be a factor in the correct dosage, so try to be in tune and listen to your body.
A medium dosage will be around 4-6 grams of kratom, and high dosage is approximately 6-8 grams, or even more.
While these are the recommended dosage, the effects may vary from person to person.
Is Kratom Legal In The US?
Yes, Kratom is generally legal in the United States. However, some states have banned its use. Additionally, there are certain regulations in other states regarding its consumption. So, Kratom is federally legal, but there are still some gray areas, and laws remain vague.
Why Choose Kratom Krush?
Since there are no official laws or regulations surrounding Kratom distribution, you must ensure that you only purchase your Kratom from credible and trustworthy sources.
If you’re looking for a trusted and quality online shop selling White Ketapang Kratom Capsules, Kratom Krush got you covered.
Kratom Krush is your go-to reputable kratom store. All our products are guaranteed to be safe, chemical, and additive-free and use 100% high-quality kratom leaves. Moreover, we have a wide selection of quality kratom strains that cater to all types of kratom users and enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or a long-time veteran, we have something in store for you! Get your White Ketapang Kratom Capsules from Kratom Krush today!
There’s no doubt that you can get your money’s worth with us at Kratom Krush. If you have any concerns, you can reach us through
strain-color | White |
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