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How Long Does Kratom Last & Can You Boost The Effects?

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a plant that grows in some parts of Southeast Asia. Its leaves are packed with powerful compounds known for producing psychotropic (mind-altering) effects.

When consumed, Kratom’s effects are normally felt within 30 to 60 minutes, and the euphoric effects last for 5 to 7 hours. However, some natural extracts like turmeric and chamomile can be combined with the Kratom powder to potentiate it.

Read on to find out how long kratom effects last and ways to potentiate it. We’ll also discuss its side effects and whether Kratom is addictive.

How Long Do Kratom Effects Last

The Kratom tree is an evergreen tropical plant belonging to the same family as coffee and gardenias. It’s indigenous to Southeast Asia, specifically in Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea, and Malaysia. It goes by the street names Biak, Ketum, Kakuam, Ithang, and Thom. Two major compounds in Kratom leaves are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

Kratom extracts have been used as to offer stimulating effects and opioid properties. In the U.S., it was used for muscle discomfort relief. Presently, Kratom is available in various forms, such as capsules, powders, liquids, pastes, and gum, among others. Sometimes, however, it can be smoked, chewed, or even eaten in food.

After ingestion, Kratom takes between five to ten minutes for its effects to kick in. The “high” feeling lingers from two to five hours, and its euphoric effects length is dependent on the amount of Kratom ingested. Therefore, the recommended dosage will depend on age, sex, strand ingested, and health status, among others.

How to Potentiate Kratom Effects

Kratom leaves were used as traditional medicine, but are currently also used for recreational purposes. If you want to potentiate it, you can add a variety of natural extracts to Kratom powder. This boosts its stimulation while at the same time, provide long lasting effects. The extracts include Cat’s Claw, Grapefruit, Chamomile Tea, Turmeric powder, Cayenne Pepper, and CBD Oil.

These potentiates can be incorporated in meals, shakes, or other food varieties during the day without affecting your diet since they are all-natural extracts. The following are some of the substances used to potentiate Kratom powder:

Cat’s Claw

This is a plant-based drug that originates from the rain forests of Peru. Cat’s Claw lowers the tolerance levels of Kratom. It also contains alkaloids that potentiate and prolong the effects of Kratom.

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric can potentiate and prolong the effectiveness of Kratom. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that tend to boost mood by suppressing stress levels.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is well known for its excellent relaxation properties. It’s a great potentiate for Kratom because it dissolves in kratom powder. This in turn, makes it more potent and prolongs its effects on the body. However, Chamomile tea should be avoided when using white Kratom. This is because chamomile relaxes the body, yet the primary purpose of white Kratom is to boost energy levels.


Grapefruit juice is a popular natural energy booster. The citric acid in this juice has enzymes that extract alkaloids in Kratom powder responsible for its potency. The result is very high energy levels that are also very long lasting. Kratom powder can be ingested with grapefruit alone or with a glass of grapefruit juice.

Cayenne Pepper Powder

Kratom powder and Cayenne Pepper should be used in small dosages. Ingestion of both provides a spike to the already present effects of Kratom because Cayenne possesses high energy boosts and long lasting effects.


This substance offers calming and mood-boosting properties. Combining it with Kratom magnifies these effects, making it a great potentiate.

Finding the Perfect Kratom Dose

Kratom is a natural but also very potent substance. Ingestion of either low or high dosages can cause adverse effects on the body. There is no one perfect dose for Kratom, therefore, the right dosage is dependent on various factors, such as health status, age, type of strain, among others. The following are some ways of finding the perfect Kratom dose:

Ingestion of Kratom on an empty stomach- Ingesting it on an empty stomach will help in learning how a certain amount of the extract makes you feel.

Ingesting Kratom in smaller amounts- Ingesting too much Kratom at once produces a ‘woozy and sickly’ feeling; it may even lead to vomiting.

Purchase of quality Kratom extracts- Poor quality Kratom extracts are not as potent as quality ones. They tend to be less effective and present more side effects.

Learning each Kratom strain properly- Different Kratom strains have varied “sweet spots.” Some strains may ‘hit harder’ on some people and cause harsher side effects than others do.

Ingesting more substantial amounts of fluids – Ingesting fluids helps to dilute the “harsh” Kratom effects.

Side Effects of Over Consuming Kratom

Kratom extracts possesse active chemical components that trigger opioid receptors in the brain. Ingesting Kratom in the recommended doses offers the desired effects beneficial to the body. Kratom overdose, however, can have undesirable side effects. These include;

· Seizures

· Drowsiness

· Nausea

· Hypertension

· Coma

· Psychosis

· Rapid heartbeat

· Irritability

· Agitation

· Elevated blood pressure

Is Kratom Addictive

Kratom is not presently under federal control, but it’s still considered a potential drug of abuse. If ingested frequently and in high doses, it may have adverse side effects and even lead to addiction. It can be consumed by chewing its leaves, brewing them in tea, or mixing them with other substances. These leaves possess a compound that has mind-altering effects like those of morphine when ingested in high doses.

The habitual ingestion of this substance will lead to over-dependence in order to attain these effects. This over-dependence leads to an increased urge to seek harder, more effect-producing benefits of Kratom. In the end, the body will require the substances to achieve these effects leading to an addiction.