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Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Phillip, co-owner and author of Kratom Krush and your personal guide on your Kratom journey. Like many of you, I too suffered from severe anxiety. My chest would tighten, the back of my neck would stiffen up, and I’d feel like I was being brutally tortured by my own thoughts.  

Then one day, I was introduced to kratom by a close friend, and I knew at that very moment I had to share this magnificent plant with the world.  

I began my quest by researching everything that had to do with kratom. Strains, colors, dose, backgrounds, you name it.

When I felt I had acquired enough information, I began to experiment. I mixed strains, played with dose size, and used various ingredients to find the most effective kratom potentiators.

Using the knowledge and experience I’ve acquired, I’ve been able to help thousands of people worldwide put an end to their suffering, and now I can help you too.

If you’re just getting started, feel free to read this guide I wrote for beginners by clicking the link here. Otherwise, head to the blog or shop page to learn more about kratom.

Just in case you’re wondering which kratom I used for anxiety I’ll share that below along with a couple other of my favorite strains, including the one I was drinking as I wrote this page. 🙂  

For anxiety, I love Green Maeng Da because of its euphoric properties.  

green maeng da kratom

For sleep it doesn’t get any better than Red Bali!  

And last but not least, for mental focus, energy, and productivity I really enjoy White Thai.  

white thai kratom

These are my personal favorites but feel free to explore to see which strains work best for you!  

Wishing you the best,

Your friend Phillip