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Phenibut vs. Kratom: Which One Is Best For You?

Phenibut and Kratom are becoming popular in the United States. These are two different kinds of nootropics that give off neuropsychiatric effects. They are becoming preferred supplements or alternatives to prescribed psychiatric medications.

Although there are similarities, these two are definitely different from each other. When comparing Phenibut to Kratom, there seem to be a lot more differences than similarities. Some of you might be on the fence and considering which you want to spend your money on. No worries. This article will help you figure that out.

For those unfamiliar with these strains, Phenibut is a synthetic nootropic, while kratom is a natural nootropic. Both are used for recreational and alternative purposes. They help improve mood and cognitive function along with other benefits. Furthermore, Kratom has stimulating effects, while phenibut does not. However, Phenibut is a lot more legal than kratom in certain places.

Without further ado, let’s go ahead and compare both. Read on.

What Are the Differences Between Phenibut and Kratom?

Both phenibut and Kratom are used for similar purposes, but they have some differences in terms of effects and other factors. 

As I mentioned earlier, phenibut is a synthetic nootropic. Some of the effects of phenibut are a huge increase in sociability and allows you to feel really sleepy after the effects wear off. This means it’s a much better evening strain. 

There is no sufficient research about the rate of effectiveness of phenibut, but it’s been used to generally calm someone’s mind and improve cognitive function. Some of its uses and effects are the following:

  • Cognitive enhancement (improve memory, concentration, attention, and motivation)
  • Reduce anxiety and aggression
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Relieve insomnia (improve sleep)
  • ADHD
  • Etc. 

The effects are also known to last a lot longer than kratom. Phenibut users report feeling 5+ hours of effects. The downside about phenibut is that it is a lot more addictive than kratom. On top of that, withdrawals are pretty bad, with many reporting feelings of depression and more. 

On the other hand, kratom is a natural nootropic. It has different strains, which can produce different effects as well. 

Kratom is best used for those who want to feel an increase in mental focus, making it great for daytime use. But, some strains can make you sleepy. The effects tend to typically last anywhere from 2-4+ hours, which is a little less than phenibut’s longevity. 

Moreover, Kratom can become addictive if taken daily for a long period of time, but it’s way less addictive than phenibut and other drugs. There can be some side effects when taking too much kratom. The best part is withdrawal symptoms and side effects are far less harsh. This is what many kratom users like — they are able to take kratom more often because there aren’t too many withdrawal symptoms and effects can be manageable. 

What Are the Similarities Between Phenibut vs. Kratom?

Now that we learned about the differences between Phenibut vs. kratom, let’s talk about the similarities that can be found between the two. 

To start, a lot of people describe similar effects. You can get an uplift in mood, feelings of euphoria, reduce strain, and get an overall sense of elatedness. They can be great options for those looking to uplift themselves and have a better day.

Another similarity is that tolerance can build up quite fast with both. That’s one of the reasons why it’s not recommended to take either one of those on a daily basis. It’s best to take breaks from phenibut and kratom, without abusing their great purposes. 

They’re both sold as alternative supplements, but always remember to use them in moderation. 

What Are the Recommended Dosages for Phenibut and Kratom?

When it comes to dosage amounts for Phenibut, you’ll have to take a lot less than kratom’s dosages. For phenibut, it’s recommended that users take 0.2-0.5 grams of phenibut. This goes for powder and capsules. It’s highly suggested to not exceed more than 1.5 grams in one day. 

You always don’t want to take phenibut often because of addiction and harmful side effects. Some of the side effects can include seizures and depression. To be on the safer side, don’t take it more than three times a week. 

If you’re taking kratom, dosages are a lot more lenient. To start off, you’ll want to take only 1.5-2 grams of kratom powder, then increase until your reach desired effects. The average dosage amount for kratom is around 3-6 grams. It’s best to not exceed 10 grams in a day so you can avoid side effects like nausea and increased anxiety. 

Although kratom isn’t as addictive or harmful as other drugs or supplements, it’s best to not take kratom on a daily basis. Your tolerance to kratom can increase pretty quickly and can lead to overdosing. Make sure to takes some days off, and use it only when you need it. 

Also, take note that combining kratom and phenibut is not advisable. Taking both of them at the same time can double the amount of effect on users. They can create a different kind of ‘high’ that is similar to narcotics and other dangerous drugs. It will also lead to worse withdrawal symptoms.

What is Phenibut and What’s It Good For?

In case you’re unsure about this synthetic nootropic, I’ll go ahead and share some information and background with you. 

Phenibut is a GABA analogue and CNS depressant that was created by Russians in the ’60s. It was initially created to treat those with certain mental health issues, like anxiety and depression, along with other physical conditions. 

Here, in the US, it is still highly unregulated. It is not allowed to be sold or prescribed as a treatment of any kind. Basically, you’ll only be able to buy and sell online. Many phenibut users like to use it socially and recreationally to help boost their mood and confidence.

The danger of having it unregulated is that it is easy for people to abuse it. Users can become heavily dependent on it, which results in addiction. 

Reddit User’s Experiences with Both

There are a ton of kratom users who have tried phenibut or who alternate between the two. I went ahead and checked out some Reddit forums and found that there were far more users who favour kratom over the latter. There were some pretty good tips and insights that I think would be super helpful.

Here are some helpful posts and opinions by real phenibut and kratom users:

“Kratom has been my best [alternative] for 8 years. Always keep doses under 5 grams. Will reverse a pissy mood almost instantly. Phenibut was amazing…at first. Then the withdrawals…the weakening effect. Can’t really use it more than once per week without problems.” -saint_berzerker

“Phenibut has a higher risk for abuse and has way worse withdrawal symptoms if used more than 3x a week. I stay away from the Phenibut man. This is not to say kratom is harmless either. Im a daily kratom user myself. I guess I use it recreationally. I’ve been using it daily for over a year. I probably dose 1 oz a day easy some days more. I get pretty shitty withdrawal symptoms if I go without Kratom. I know tapering can mitigate this. The problem is the self-control on my end.” -mikesworld31

“Kratom is safer if you are planning on taking it often. It is far less addictive and the withdrawals are far easier than phenibut. If you want to take something once a week to chill and sleep well, phenibut is great. But it builds tolerance fast and you really don’t want to get addicted to it. Kratom can be safely taken far more often, and you have choices about what kind of kratom to take. White vein kratom is more happy and energetic while red vein kratom is more sleepy and euphoric. Some people can’t sleep on kratom no matter what, so I’d recommend taking it four to five hours before you want to sleep. Then you can enjoy your evening and pass out later when you want to.” -ElectronicExorcist

Is Phenibut Legal?

So, is Phenibut legal? To put it shorty, yes. Phenibut is legal in the U.S. It seems to be legal in all 51 states. 

You can legally buy and sell phenibut online as a nutritional supplement. This substance is easier to get a hold of compared to Kratom. However, this drug is not approved by the FDA. So, you won’t find this at a local store or labeled as a treatment for anything. It is highly advertised for recreational use or supplement but a lot of people still use it to improve their medical condition.

What is illegal is making any medical claims if you’re selling it.

Is Kratom Legal?

When it comes to kratom, it’s a bit more complicated. Just like phenibut, it’s not approved by the FDA and you’re not allowed to sell it as a treatment for anything or make any medical claims. Most states have legalized the purchase and sale of kratom products. But, there are some exceptions. 

Here’s a quick list of where kratom is banned within the US:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • California- (Banned in San Diego County) 
  • Indiana
  • New Hampshire- (Banned in Franklin City)
  • Rhode Island
  • Tennessee -(Synthetic Kratom is banned. Non-synthetic is legal)
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin

If you live in any of these places, I’m sorry. Let’s hope they’ll legalize kratom in all places soon.

Phenibut vs. Kratom: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing one over the other, Kratom seems to be the more user-friendly and natural alternative. 

As a quick recap, phenibut can’t and shouldn’t be used more than about three times a week. On top of that, it has some really nasty side effects and withdrawals, like feelings of depression. It’s also a synthetic drug. 
Although kratom can build a tolerance quickly, it’s a more natural alternative. It can also be used more than three times a week and dosage amounts can be higher than that of phenibut. I think kratom can offer really great effects for any situation. Experimenting with dosage amounts and strains can help you find the perfect kratom fit for you and your lifestyle! There are also a lot of new strains being discovered that can work well for you.