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You might have heard of the red, white, and green Vietnam kratom strains, but have you ever tried Yellow Vietnam Kratom? This strain is pretty enjoyable to those who try it because of its mood-boosting, euphoric effects. In this Yellow Vietnam Kratom review, I’ll be answering the top questions you have about this rare strain.
It is the most effective strain with a rarity so known that it stands out. Since it only grows in a particular environment, it is highly unique compared to other kratom varieties. Sadly, its number and popularity have gone down over the years. This is because the strain can only be gotten once after the leaves go through a special drying process. Not many farmers know this so there is mass scarcity.
Yellow Vietnam Kratom is a yellow kratom strain that originates from the country of Vietnam. One of the best effects users experience with this strain is euphoria or a high boost in their mood. Although yellow strains seem to be potent, this one is slightly more mild and balanced. Finally, it is also said that this strain helps people focus better on what they have to accomplish throughout the day.
Ready to learn more about this strain? Let’s start with effects!
The main reason people use Yellow Vietnam Kratom is for uplifting their mood. Of course, there’s many other reasons why kratom users love this strain.
For example, I personally enjoy Yellow Vietnam Kratom for when I’m having a rough day and I need something to lift me up and give me positive vibes.
I find that this strain takes a little longer to kick in (about 20-30 minutes), but the results are totally worth it.
Since this is more of an uplifting strain, I find that it works wonders for my stress. Typically, stress within my personal life and at work can make my stress skyrocket. Sometimes it can happen out of nowhere too. Thankfully, this strain has helped levels my stress and puts my mind at ease.
When doing monotonous tasks on a day-to-day basis, it can be really hard to stay focused. On top of that, the long hours and restless nights can make me feel really tired.
Honestly, sometimes I mentally check out when I feel this way. The Yellow Vietnam strain is really good at increasing my alertness and staying focused on the tasks I need to get through.
This is probably my favorite effect of Yellow Vietnam Kratom and other yellow kratom strains. At higher doses of about 4-5 grams, it can offer a really nice euphoric feeling. Who doesn’t love that about kratom?
I definitely have my fair share of days where I feel exhausted and lack motivation. That sluggish feeling when I wake up sometimes can really put a damper on my entire day.
Well, I’ve noticed that this strain brightens my day by giving me a sense of motivation while giving me some energy. I can ditch my coffee for Yellow Vietnam kratom any day.
The Yellow Vietnam Kratom is one of those strains where you just have to try it. I don’t think you won’t benefit from the mood boost and overall sense of positivity from this one.
Yellow Vietnam Kratom generally lasts for up to 5 hours. That’s pretty long compared to some of the more mild kratom strains.
You might be wondering, where did Yellow Vietnam Kratom get its name? Well, the most obvious answer is that it originated from the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam.
The tricky part is identifying why a kratom strain is considered yellow instead of the typical green, white, and red color strains. There’s been different theories as to how or why it’s yellow in appearance.
One of those is that it is a crossbreed of different kratom plants which give its vein a yellow appearance. The second one, which I think is the best possible answer, is that certain kratom strains go through an extra drying process. This then gives the kratom a yellow color once it’s crushed.
But, whatever the case, the yellow strains tend to be pretty strong. They can either resemble a potent red or white strain, which is what they tend to be anyway.
One of the best ways to check out Yellow Vietnam Kratom reviews is to do a bit of searching on Reddit.
I found that there are a really good amount of positive reviews for this strain. In fact, it’s a favorite for many of these kratom users. Of course, there are some who disagree and think it’s just alright.
Here are some helpful reviews that I found on Reddit for the Yellow Vietnam kratom strain.
“The yellow Vietnam I have is my favorite strain right now. More energetic than a white and highly euphoric.” -KayLaDeL
“Yellow Vietnam is my current favorite. It takes longer to kick in but when it does it’s nice.” -Anonymous
“Lovin this a ton! My fav strain, yellow Vietnam!” -bangleyjelly
“Totally late to the party here, but I’m going to put in my two cents and say ‘Meh’. It just doesn’t do much for me. Reds and Whites are my go-to strains.” -queenbeepdx
Everyone’s experience seems to vary greatly, but overall it seems like others find it to be pretty good.
The awesome thing about kratom is that there’s no one-way method to take it. Personally, I always go for the kratom powder because I like measuring out an exact amount with my handy-dandy food scale. I always tend to use the “toss and wash” method, which makes the effects come in faster.
Yellow Vietnam Kratom powder is less expensive than Yellow Vietnam Kratom capsules. However, the kratom capsules aren’t messy like kratom powder and they don’t give that bitter taste at all!
Whichever you end up getting, I have provided you with my recommended dosage amounts for each down below.
Since Yellow Vietnam Kratom has been known to be more potent than green strains and other milder strains, I like recommending new users to start with around 1-2 grams of the powder.
This is the threshold amount. Taking a big dose can give you some unpleasant side effects that’ll ruin the beautiful experience for you. So, always start off with a little!
After that initial dose, you can increase each time you take it by 0.5-1 gram of the Yellow Vietnam Kratom powder.
The average dose that gives nice effects is around 3-5 grams. I like to take about 3.5 grams of this strain. Sometimes, I take roughly 4 grams.
As far as capsules go, you’ll need to pay attention to the capsule size of the product you’re getting. Typically, they’ll add that information in the description of the product. The average size of kratom capsules are around 00” and contain a little over 0.7 grams.
If you can’t seem to find that information in the description, don’t hesitate contacting the seller. It can be the difference between enjoying your kratom experiencing or disliking it!
When comparing both strains, it’s hard to tell which one is better. I think it comes down to your own personal experience with each one.
For example, I like the Maeng Da strains when I want something balanced and that will target my discomfort areas more with a little more mental stimulation. I find that the Yellow Vietnam strain works better for when I need more of a mood boost and need a pick-me-up.
Both are really great strains and I would honestly advise you to give each of these a try. They are both amazing at targeting different needs.
Luckily, you don’t have to go searching long and hard for a good Yellow Vietnam Kratom strain. The best part is that you don’t need to leave your house either!
Sure, you can go to your local head shop and try to find this rare strain, but they tend to raise their prices through the roof.
You can get your hands on Yellow Vietnam Kratom from Kratom Krush. The prices are super affordable and the products are natural. Still curious about the Yellow Vietnam Kratom? Trust me, you won’t regret trying it out.
For kratom user beginners, Yellow Vein Vietnam might be a pinch too potent. Although, this is not to assume that you would not experience the same effects that it provides with milder strains. If you want to experience stimulating effects, you can opt to try Yellow Thai Kratom or Yellow Sumatra Kratom.
But if you are aiming to use kratom recreationally, you would feel better with amazing euphoric emotions and intense relaxation that you may get with Yellow Bali Kratom or Yellow Indo Kratom.
Yellow Vietnam Kratom is not that old in the Kratom community, but it has made a good name for itself in recent years and has been largely enjoyed by several users.
For those users who have been in the community for a while, they have remarked that it is similar to green and white Vietnam kratom. This strain has also been majorly helpful for people struggling with caffeine dependence and other energy boosters.
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