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Green Elephant Kratom Review: You’ll Like These Effects

red elephant kratom

Green Elephant Kratom is the one of the rarest of all the strains within the kratom groups. Also known as the Super Elephant Kratom, it’s leaves provide a very high potency of alkaloids and desirable effects. I’ll help you take a closer look into this unparalleled kratom strain. 

Green Elephant Kratom is a green vein kratom strain that typically comes from the island of Sumatra. It’s large, elephant ear-like appearance gives this strain its uniqueness and rarity. Some of the common effects people experience with this strain are euphoria and stimulation. 

Let’s get into this Green Elephant Kratom review!

Green Elephant Kratom Effects 

The rarest of the breed, the Green Elephant is highly stimulating to the user, that also includes a modest amount of euphoric pleasure. It should be used for those who have experience taking the other kratom strains, but beginners can benefit from a smaller dose!

With this specific strain, its level of mitragynine keeps my energy above the rest of the strains.

Although the sedation experience varies from person to person, I have found that my levels of focus and mental state have given me a breath of fresh air, with productivity remaining higher than usual.

When it comes to soothing effects, I have found that its effect has a very similar quality to the red elephant.

Here are the Green Elephant Kratom benefits:


Like the other respectable strains, Green Elephant gives me the right amount of energy I need throughout the day. Whether it’s light or hard work, the energy I get from the Green Elephant makes me feel up to the task without feeling too overwhelmed or jitters. 


One of the benefits of taking Green Elephant is within minutes (about 10-15). I start feeling a bit less lazy and bored and start feeling a more positive outlook to the day that really starts setting off the rest of the benefits like a rocket. 

My mood swings are more balanced and the mood boost starts to take over. I highly recommend it for those experiencing some type of ruggedness in their day. 


With my intake of about 4 grams, I can honestly say that this green kratom strain works wonders. My focus on body tension is lowered as I start feeling the Green Elephants effects, which is of good benefit for my mood and stress too. 

Without having to use any synthetic, this does the work for me, and I can easily say it still works better than other options I’ve tried. 


Since the Green Elephant Kratom is a more rare and high quality strain, when it comes to the euphoria, its benefits make the most out of the strain. 

I am just a lot more happy and excited for even the most mundane things during the day. The sky is a little brighter, and my energy is more focused on the positive aspects, rather than a cloudy outlook. 

Out of all the strains, this one does it for me. As an “advanced” user of kratom, I have to give the Green Elephant the respect it deserves. Its effects might be ideal for beginners, but make sure to slowly transition (in terms of gram dosage) to the Green Elephant for even better results.

What Is Green Elephant Kratom?

To give you a little background on Green Elephant Kratom, we must go deep into the Northwestern region of the Sumatra Island of Indonesia, where the strain is harvested and produced under cold climates and fertile soil.

It’s rare-like qualities calls for a unique name to set it apart from the rest. The name comes from its large, green leaves that resemble that of an elephant’s ears, thus getting its name to fit the strains’ effects as well. I find it has a true balance of effects, similar to other green vein strains.

It’s grand-like scale of the name gives the strain and its effects a big husk of high productivity and positivity into your life, at least, it’s done that for me.

How to Take Green Elephant Kratom 

Green Elephant Kratom – Powder 

The most affordable and popular option to get is the Green Elephant Kratom powder. It’s very versatile in terms of the ways you can consume it. 

I personally prefer the kratom powder because I’m always experimenting with new strains. I like measuring out my dosage with a small food scale. 

For this specific strain, I like to take a little bit of a higher dosage than usual- around 4 grams. 

I like to add my kratom powder to smoothies, use the “toss and wash” method, as well as make kratom teas. 

The only downside is that it can be quite messy and the taste is less than pleasant, but it gets the job done.

Green Elephant Kratom Powder Dosage 

Green Elephant Kratom – Capsules

The Green Elephant capsules are a quick form of on-the-go experience that compares to the strain. 

The capsules are already pre-measured and don’t need the extra energy to figure out measurements. It is fast, easy, and less time to experience the capsule’s full benefits. 

How Many Green Elephant Kratom Capsules to Take 

What Are Reddit Users Saying?

Reddit and its users are almost always honest and straightforward when it comes to experiences. Doing a bit of research, I managed to find the best reviews when it came to searching up Green Elephant Kratom on reddit before trying it myself.

I found a few reviews that I think you’d find useful:

“It gave me energy and put me in a decent mood. Def subtle but noticeable. I liked it but wish it did more for pain in general. Imo.” – Kaimana 

“It’s a very middle of the red green. definitely more on the energetic spectrum.” -SoCalJoshLuvsHipHop

“I really like it, but I have a lower tolerance than most people here. It had a nice bit of euphoria when taken on an empty stomach. I would buy it again.” -Hondaran

“I believe it’s a mix of red and green, but over the last 3 years I have tried at least 10 different batches of elephant and it does absolutely nothing to me. I have a friend and she swears by it up and down, even sent me a little under an ounce of hers to try, but still nothing. Other strains are fine, but like everybody, there are colors/strains that don’t affect everyone the same.” -Bdogg242

Looks like Green Elephant is a top strain for some, but not so much for others. The best way to judge a kratom strain’s effects and potency is to give it a shot. 

Green Elephant Kratom Vs Maeng Da 

Both Green Elephant Kratom and Maeng Da have similar qualities of benefits… but which one is my preferred choice? Hmmm.

Although Green Elephant Kratom can give me the same benefits of soothing effects, relaxation, and energy, I have to give it to Green Maeng Da. The minimum intake of Green Maeng Da is more effective to me than the Green Elephant. It lasts longer and adjusts perfectly to my needs, which is why I slightly prefer GMD a little more. 

I know the Green Elephant Kratom is a lot rarer and is very popular, but the satisfaction I get from it is why I keep gravitating towards it. I always recommend others to try both, since there’s a lot of factors that determine how effective a strain will.

Green Elephant for Sale 

Green Elephant is a somewhat rare strain because of the properties it holds along with the grand size of the leaf. 

Getting your hands on a good quality Green Elephant Kratom strain can be difficult to come across. Plus, if you find a strain that doesn’t work for you, it can be disappointing to know you spent extra on it. 

Luckily for you, Kratom Kush offers a great price out of the rest. You can try a small batch of the Green Elephant Kratom guilt-free. What are you waiting for?

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