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What Does Kratom Smell Like? Here’s What You Need To Know

The smell of kratom can say a lot about the quality and overall experience. It often smells earthy and has a pleasant aroma, but sometimes it doesn’t have such a nice smell. I’ll be answering all of your questions, including the ones about kratom body odor as well as things to look out for. 

Kratom often smells like green tea or has an earthy aroma. Kratom can sometimes cause bad breath due to a dry mouth. If kratom has a foul smell or has a strong scent, it might not be a good batch. The smell of kratom will ultimately depend on the kratom strain, the quality, and where it was purchased from. 

Let’s get right into the questions!

What Does Kratom Powder Smell Like?

The smell of your kratom powder is going to vary depending on the quality and strain. Typically, kratom smells like a strong green tea or even matcha. Certain strains have a really earthy and fresh smell. Sometimes, people describe the smell of kratom powder as pungent. 

I’ve noticed that a lot of the red strains I’ve tried, such as Red Dragon Kratom, remind me a lot of my matcha powder. I sometimes find that it even tastes like it too, but more of a bitter version. 

Green kratom strains typically have a stronger aroma. I’ve noticed that my Green Maeng Da and Green Malay Kratom are like a stronger, herbal scent that also slightly resembles green tea. It’s a lot earthier than the red strains, at least, the ones I’ve had.  

What Does Kratom Smell Like When Smoked?

Although it’s not as common to smoke kratom, there are users who want to do so in order to have it hit harder or quicker. This wouldn’t be my go-to method of consumption since high temperatures kill the alkaloids, but I can see why users would be curious. 

One person described that they couldn’t handle smoking kratom because of the awful and musty smell. They compared the smell of burning kratom to that of a skunk! It’s definitely not the best way to enjoy your kratom

Does Kratom Make You Smell?

There’s been an ongoing debate on whether kratom causes, or is related to, body odor. Many users describe smelling “funky” or like the kratom powder mixed with sweat. Just to be clear, they mentioned they didn’t smell like that until they started using lots of kratom. 

Is this true? It could be related to the kratom, but there really isn’t any evidence to suggest this. A majority of people who use kratom don’t describe this strange phenomenon. 

I guess it could be possible, especially since your pores are known to excrete certain smells based on what you consume. Foods and beverages like alcohol and garlic are a good example of this.

One user describes having body odor from detoxing from kratom. She wasn’t the only one. A few others spoke out saying the same thing! 

If you’re worried about kratom giving you bad body odor, don’t stress about it. It’s really not that common and there’s no actual proof.

Does Kratom Make Your Urine Smell?

It’s possible for kratom to make your urine smell. It could be because high doses of kratom can cause a high enough concentration to remain in your body. 

Have you ever smelled coffee in your pee? It’s pretty common and is caused because of high concentrations as well. Kratom might have the same effect on your urine. If you do notice your urine smelling like kratom, don’t be alarmed. It’s pretty normal. 

Does Kratom Cause Bad Breath?

Some kratom users really do experience having bad breath from kratom. Here’s why. 

One of the side effects of kratom is having a dry mouth. This can be due to dehydration from kratom. As you might already know, a dry mouth is usually accompanied by bad breath. 

When you are experiencing dehydration, your system does not produce enough saliva. As a result, bacteria growth increases since it is saliva that provides the cleaning actions in your mouth. 

Hydrating before and after consuming kratom is necessary. Although it won’t solve the issue alone, it can help reduce the bad smell associated with kratom product consumption. 

An online user on Reddit described that his wife and kids noticed his breath smelling. He noticed it after he started consuming kratom. It’s likely he was experiencing dry mouth. 

Another way your kratom can make your breath smell like kratom itself is by using the “toss and wash method”. This is when you directly put kratom powder in your mouth and wash it down with water. Wet kratom powder can stick to your teeth and the roof of your mouth. I’ve experienced having kratom stuck around my teeth after doing this method. Of course, this can be a possible explanation for kratom breath.

When I visited Reddit, I read a comment about this toss and wash method. The user said that he regrets following such a method because it gave him bad breath. He found out that kratom products keep getting stuck at the back of his tongue. It appears like a cemented paste. 

He would try to wash it down vigorously a few times, but it does not do the trick. His breath would still smell awful after. When he and his girlfriend pointed a flashlight at the back of his throat, they saw a green cement from kratom powder. It would not come off unless he scrapes it.  If you have a strong gag reflex, removing it is not an easy task.

I recommend getting a tongue scraper if you experience the same problem. However, you should know that it won’t entirely fix the issue since there can be more at the back of the throat. You may try other products such as kratom leaves since they would most likely not get stuck. Unlike kratom powder, they would not form a cemented paste. But most of all, you should drink a lot of water. It can help wash down any kratom products in your mouth. 

Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water, along with having good oral hygiene, can prevent kratom from giving you a dry mouth and bad breath.

Why Kratom Smells Like Green Tea

As mentioned, kratom products usually have an earthy aroma. If your kratom smells like green tea, it is common and not necessarily a bad thing. One Reddit user shared on the platform that his kratom powder smells too much like it. 

He was starting to get pissed because the scent was almost identical to green tea. According to him, it even tastes like bitter green tea mixed with a bit of kratom. He was starting to think that he was ripped off already.  

However, you should know that it is perfectly normal for kratom products to smell like green tea. Both of them are dried and ground-up leaves. Hence, a similar aroma should not be a problem. It is something that everyone should expect in terms of its scent. 

Another Reddit user even said that he has been using kratom products long enough to have tried the same power with a different aroma. Some smelled like green tea, while others had a slightly musty scent or an incense smell. Nevertheless, all of them worked just fine. 

Based on my experience, fresher kratom products tend to have a stronger smell. So when you open a kratom bag and the smell hits you in the face, it’s most likely because you have fresh ones. 

While the aroma is not really a problem, I understand that some may still have doubts about it. One Reddit user said that some vendors usually mix other products with kratom to enhance its taste. Many users did not like the statement. They buy kratom for its effects and not its taste, so vendors mixing other products do not give their money’s worth. 

Some said that kratom suppliers sometimes add tea to the product to make it more stimulating. Meanwhile, other users said that some vendors only do it for the money. Although the aroma is not an indication of poor quality, checking your kratom product is recommended. 

If your kratom powder smells awful, check in with your supplier. Ask if he can replace it, so you do not have to worry. If it’s not possible, assess its taste. If it does not taste anything similar to the ones you have previously had, you might want to check the credibility of your supplier. 

One Reddit user said that his kratom power had a green tea taste. Some suggested evaluating its effect. Having a green tea aroma is normal for kratom products, but the taste is a different story. To avoid any stress regarding kratom quality, make sure to research your supplier thoroughly before buying. Make sure they are reliable before spending any amount. 

If Your Kratom Smells Like This, It Might Not Be Good

There are some signs that your kratom might not be so fresh or great. One way to determine this is by smelling your kratom powder.

I remember I bought a bad batch of kratom one time. It smelled funky and weird. It basically smelled as though it were fermenting. The smell was accompanied by a terrible taste of kratom. An online Reddit user had a similar experience to mine, except it made them puke!

Another Redditor described one bad batch of kratom as smelling like “wet dirt” and tasting like it too. It also left a weird aftertaste. They didn’t throw up or anything, but it wasn’t the best kratom they had. 

The reason kratom might smell bad is because of moisture getting trapped inside the container or bag. Another reason is the way it’s stored and dried out in the drying process of the leaves. 

Usually, it’s not that harmful to take a batch of kratom that smells a bit strange. The worst thing that might happen is that it’ll ruin your kratom experience. 

But, if you really notice a very odd smell, your best bet is to throw it away and contact the vendor. They’re usually more than willing to send you a new one and they might investigate the cause of the bad-smelling kratom.